How Might We Enhance the Mental Health Treatment Experience in Facilities?

Challenge Description: The mental health treatment experience in facilities can greatly impact individuals’ well-being and recovery journeys. This “How Might We” challenge invites participants to explore innovative ways to enhance the treatment experience for individuals receiving care in mental health facilities. By identifying key pain points and opportunities for improvement, participants will develop creative solutions that prioritize patient-centered care, promote holistic wellness, and foster a supportive and empowering environment.

How Might We Question: How might we redesign the mental health treatment experience in facilities to prioritize patient well-being, improve treatment outcomes, and promote a sense of dignity, autonomy, and empowerment for individuals receiving care?

Key Considerations:

  1. Personalization: How might we personalize treatment plans and interventions to meet the unique needs, preferences, and strengths of each individual, ensuring that care is tailored to their specific goals and circumstances?
  2. Engagement: How might we enhance patient engagement and participation in their treatment journey, fostering a sense of ownership, empowerment, and collaboration between patients and care providers?
  3. Accessibility: How might we improve accessibility and inclusivity within mental health facilities, ensuring that individuals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and identities feel welcome, respected, and supported in seeking care?
  4. Environment: How might we create healing environments within facilities that promote relaxation, comfort, and a sense of safety, incorporating elements such as natural light, calming colors, and sensory-friendly features?
  5. Community Integration: How might we strengthen connections between mental health facilities and community resources, fostering partnerships and collaborations that support patients’ transition back into their communities and promote long-term recovery and well-being?
  6. Technology Integration: How might we leverage technology to enhance the delivery of mental health services within facilities, providing innovative tools and platforms for communication, education, self-management, and remote support?
  7. Staff Support: How might we support and empower mental health professionals working in facilities, providing them with the training, resources, and support they need to deliver high-quality, compassionate care and prevent burnout?

Submission Guidelines:

  • Participants are encouraged to develop innovative solutions that address one or more of the key considerations outlined above, demonstrating creativity, feasibility, and potential impact.
  • Submissions should include detailed design proposals, conceptual sketches, prototypes, and any other relevant materials that illustrate and explain the proposed solutions.
  • Consideration should be given to the practical implementation and scalability of the proposed improvements within existing mental health facilities.


  • Winning solutions may receive recognition, support, and resources to further develop and implement their ideas, potentially leading to real-world impact and positive change in mental health treatment facilities. If you submit your end proposal we will gladly provide a certificate of achievement with the hours you worked on the solution.
  • Use #improvedmh and tag us @wellnessartclub with any process or project photos
  • Participants will have the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of mental health care and make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals receiving treatment for mental illness.

By addressing the “How Might We” question of enhancing the mental health treatment experience in facilities, participants have the opportunity to unleash their creativity and innovation to transform the way care is delivered, ensuring that individuals receive the support and resources they need to thrive on their journey to wellness.

Title: Transforming Mental Health Facilities: A Workshop for Designing Inclusive and Supportive Environments

Workshop Overview: The Transforming Mental Health Facilities Workshop is a collaborative and hands-on design experience aimed at empowering participants to reimagine and redesign mental health treatment facilities to better support the holistic well-being of patients. Through a series of structured activities and group discussions, participants will explore the unique needs and challenges of individuals seeking mental health treatment, identify opportunities for improvement within facility environments, and develop innovative solutions that prioritize inclusivity, accessibility, and patient-centered care.

Workshop Objectives:

  1. Raise awareness about the importance of creating inclusive and supportive environments within mental health treatment facilities.
  2. Foster collaboration and creative thinking among participants in identifying opportunities for improvement and innovation.
  3. Develop actionable strategies and interventions to enhance the quality of care and support provided to individuals seeking mental health treatment.
  4. Empower participants to become advocates for transformative change within mental health facilities and advocate for patient-centered care.

Workshop Agenda:

  1. Introduction (30 minutes)
    • Welcome and overview of the workshop objectives and agenda.
    • Icebreaker activity to build rapport and create a positive and inclusive atmosphere.
  2. Understanding Patient Needs (60 minutes)
    • Presentation and discussion on the unique needs and challenges of individuals seeking mental health treatment.
    • Group activity to brainstorm and identify common pain points and opportunities for improvement within mental health facilities.
  3. Design Principles and Guidelines (60 minutes)
    • Introduction to design principles and guidelines for creating inclusive and supportive environments within mental health facilities.
    • Case studies and examples of successful facility designs, highlighting key features and strategies.
  4. Ideation and Brainstorming (90 minutes)
    • Facilitated brainstorming session to generate ideas for improving mental health facilities.
    • Encourage participants to think creatively and explore innovative solutions that prioritize patient-centered care and well-being.
  5. Design Development (120 minutes)
    • Break participants into small groups and assign each group a specific area of focus within mental health facilities (e.g., physical environment, treatment programs, staff training).
    • Guide groups through the design process, including problem definition, ideation, prototyping, and solution development.
    • Provide support and feedback to help groups refine their ideas and develop actionable strategies.
  6. Presentation and Feedback (60 minutes)
    • Each group presents their design concepts and solutions to the rest of the workshop participants.
    • Facilitate a feedback session where participants provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement on each group’s design.
  7. Reflection and Action Planning (30 minutes)
    • Reflective discussion on key learnings and insights from the workshop.
    • Action planning session to identify next steps and strategies for implementing design improvements within mental health facilities.
  8. Closing and Wrap-Up (30 minutes)
    • Summary of workshop outcomes and key takeaways.
    • Thank participants for their participation and commitment to improving mental health facilities.
    • Encourage participants to stay connected and continue advocating for transformative change within mental health care settings.

By engaging participants in a collaborative design workshop format, this curriculum provides an interactive and empowering learning experience that equips individuals with the skills and knowledge to drive positive change within mental health treatment facilities. Through teamwork, creativity, and collective problem-solving, participants will develop actionable solutions to enhance the quality of care and support provided to individuals seeking mental health treatment.